TRIN3ITY MARSTAR: Deck Landing Trainer, Mobile Laboratory, Multi-Mission Training, Surface, UAS, Aviation, Sub-Surface, Special Operations, Test and Evaluation

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MARitime Surface Training and Aviation Readiness


A low-cost single-spot DLQ training vessel capable of persistent and reliable training across Surface, Aviation, Special Operations, and Test & Evaluation

click here for the details

*Patent Pending

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Aviation Training

-Deck Landing Qualifications (DLQs)

-Vertical Replenishment (VERTREP)

-Helicopter Visit Board Search & Seizure (HVBSS)

-Unmanned (UAS)

-Simulated Target Vessel

get the details on Aviation Training


Surface Training

-ATG Training

-LSE Training

-ASTAC Training

-Visit Board Search and Seizure

-Test and Evaluation Support


Special Missions


If your training requires discretion just as much as it needs support, TRIN3ITY is your trusted partner.

-Information Operations (IO)

-Low Visibility Operations (LOW VIS)

-Counter Terrorism Training (CT)

-Diving Operations

get the details on Special Warfare Training


Test and Evaluation

Agility Delivered

The MARSTAR is your maritime platform to perform developmental and system testing for your project.

Leap Ahead

Test concepts and system architecture at sea on the MARSTAR while you await Big Navy SHIPALT and TEMPALT permissions.


 Coming soon to US Navy fleet concentration areas